
Frisbee Tournaments

128. Eastern Regionals

Date: 10/03/2012 - 11/03/2012
Location: Eric Mobbs Reserve, Castle Hill, Australia
Team name: Darling, It Hurts!
Finishing postion: 9/9

I've never attended to a tournament where my team has been so severely slaughtered as this. Our highest score was 4 (against I-Beam and against Magnum). Our lowest score of 1 was against who we thought might be our closest opponents, Bench. On the plus side, we avoided getting pantsed. Only narrowly against the Wombats (Australian Masters team), where we were 12-0 down in a game to 13, and finished it 13-2.

Even with such thrashings though, I somehow managed to enjoy it. I guess that says something about the positive outlook of the people on the team. We knew this wasn't our field and we'd have better games in the future.

The highlight of the tournament was watching the game to go between Bench and Magnum. Bench took a big lead but Magnum had a strong comeback before going down. There were some long points towards the end. Magnum ended up making it to Nats anyway because a Southern team pulled out, giving East another spot.

As with all major Sydney tournaments, there was no party. However a bunch of our team met up at the Local Taphouse for American beer night. Some delicious beverages were had.

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