Life Starts At...

Thursday, September 23, 2010, 05:04 PM ( 145 views )  - Posted by Wally
There seems to be a lot of bollocks being flung around that bicycle helmets are dangerous. The argument being that statistics say so, and Swedes, Danes and Dutch don't wear them so they must be bad. However statistics lie, and northern Europeans love their freedom of choice more than their heads.

I've devised a thought experiment to demonstrate that helmets are indeed safe.
1. Imagine kidnapping someone who believes that helmets are not helpful.
2. Give them a choice between having their head smacked with a cricket bat:
a) without a helmet on, and
b) with a helmet on.

Does anyone go for a? Probably not. People are willing to see reason when it's smacking them in the face.

The helmet debate should not be one of safety, but of freedom of choice. The Swedes and some others in that region legally force helmets upon heads deemed too young to make intelligent decisions. It's just that our system (perhaps rightfully) doesn't deem anyone intelligent enough to make their own decisions.

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